Papanoa to Huatulco
Our last 560 miles along the Mexican Border

A bird rest on a sea turtle Sail fish Kip caught & released

My small fish we ate

Our trip from Zihuatenejo to Papanoa was very exciting, we saw lots of sea turtles, I caught a small fish and Kip caught the biggest fish in his lifetime a sail fish which he released. It was much to big for us to save. Upon our arrival in Papanoa we found a large military presents and a sunken catamaran which was abandoned in Sept 2005. It seamed like all the locals came to the pier to check us out as we were anchoring. Papanoa is a very small bay, not much room for to many boats but very comfortable. After we had settled down the military came around and boarded Adelia to check our documents. Everything after taking a picture of Kip and the guys they wanted to take one with me. They were very nice and courteous.

Our welcome in Papanoa Sunken Catamaran

Our military guest
Sunrise leaving Papanoa Leaving Papanoa very early we saw a beautiful sunrise as we headed towards Acapulco. We saw quite a few sea turtles but did not manage to catch any fish along the way. Arriving in Acapulco was breathtaking for us, it seemed to be such a long ways from home. As one of the largest Mexican coast tourist cities, there are a lot of people and a lot of venders around. Not many sailboats stop here, as there is not anchoring and mooring balls are not always available. After the excitement of the frozen helm we settled on a mooring ball for a few days. We toured the town, did some shopping fueled up and were on our way to our next destination Puerto Escondido. Arriving in Acapulco

Acapulco fountain

Leaving Acapulco
As we approached Puerto Escondido we were excited to see the beautiful bay where we hoped to anchor for a few days. Unfortunately as we got closer to shore we discovered the bay to be very deep and anchoring would be to close to shore and not very safe. The pangas were all anchored on the north end of the bay leaving very little room for sailboats. We dropped anchor in sixty plus feet of water too close to shore, had lunch, pulled up anchor and left for Puerto Angel another forty miles south.

Puerto Escondido
Adelia in Puerto Angel Puerto Angel Bay

Kids loved the suckers we gave them

Puerto Angel proved to be a great anchorage surrounded by a picturesque beach covered with great palapas and fishing pangas. We loved being anchored in crystal clear water where we could jump in off the boat and swim to close by snorkeling spots. Puerto Angel is a fairly small fishing village with a few hotels, not to many tourist and a couple of great beaches close enough to walk to. Internet seems to be available in most of the small Mexican towns we have been in and most are one dollar an hour.
Being out to sea for the last six months and playing in warm waters gave me the desirer to explore the ocean a little more. With Kip's help I snorkeled under water and dove head first off the boat.

Cement factory along the highway Denise snorkels South end beach

Bahia's of Huatulco, 12 bays and tiny coves make up the Bays of Huatulco, we visited only two, Chahue Bay where the Marina is located and the Huatulco/Santa Cruz Bay which is the main bay where the cruise ship comes in. Both have beautiful beaches and of course great restaurants shops. The main road going into La Crucecita which is the main downtown shopping area is separated by a beautiful promenade covered by large shade and tall palm trees. I loved walking from the marina to downtown.

Huatulco main street

Huatulco is by far the most beautiful, cleanest coastal city we have seen so far, the local people are very friendly and help full. Kip went to a hardware store looking for a certain fitting which was not in stock. The store manager took Kip in his pick-up to the warehouse where there was one. Enrique the Marina Chahue manager was also very help full with our paper work, laundry, fuel, propane and whatever else we needed.
In seemed that everyone we met in Huatulco was a great help to us. Joe the owner of the famous Tipsy Blowfish let me use his internet connection to do some uploading on my web site when I needed a high speed connection.With Joe's help we found a frozen food store which carried a lot of meats and fish we need to get for our next passage.
Flavio the bar tender told me about Jesus a computer repair guy who was able to fix a problem with my laptop. While I was there working on my web site Peter walked in, said hello, and asked how I was doing. I told him I was frustrated trying to do some uploading on the web site. He looked at my stuff and told me there was a much easier way to upload all my info. I saw him again the next day and he gave me the name of a program called Cuteftp which turns out to be exactly what I need to upload all my information quickly.
Donna a fellow cruiser told me about Esmaralda a great message therapist who worked at a shop called Oceano which was very close by. I saw Esmaralda (my angel) quite a few times, she knew exactly what to do to get rid the aches and pains you get from living on a sail boat.

Huatulco Beach


Adelia at Marina Chahue Marina Chahue
Tipsy Blowfish Bar The Tipsy Blowfish staff
Esmaralda gives great messages Peter help me with the website
We truly enjoyed Huatulco and all the wonderful people we met here. I would highly recommend Huatulco for your next vacation.